Taeta’s Tabletent, 2022, Ancestral cloth, cherished blanket, collected objects, epoxy
Embroidered by my Taeta (grandmother) in the 80’s but never finished, the fabric was found dirtied and stained from the many times it was picked up and put down and forgotten. The reworking of this tablecloth; it’s transformation from a blanket of eating to a shelter of curiosity threads together ancestral practices with an innate queerness that I was never able to share with my Taeta.
Similar in many ways, from the lines on our palms to the magick and madness within our bodyminds, I piece together her unfinished meditations with bits of myself; a pink woven coverta that kept me warm and safe in bed for 10 years until the fibers could no longer hold themselves together. Windows with meticulously arranged trash collected by me during a pandemic time of sickness and solitude along with objects found around my house allow for views both inside the tent and outwards. I peer within the shelter to my ancestry for comfort and guidance, and look outwards to the beyond, past inherited fears, illnesses and tribulations, towards my honest and true self.