A collection of fragmented memories and blessings exploring family histories and tactics of healing through textile work and community activities.
Wed Dec 186-7pm viewing hours
7-8pm deep listening + sonic meditations with Mary Scott
Thurs Dec 19
5-7pm viewing hours
7-8pm monster writing + making with aegor ray
Friday Dec 20
6-7pm viewing hours
7-9pm mojo / talisman bags with Baki Baki Baki
*this show is also viewable the week of 12/16 via appointment. To make an appointment, contact
Nailah Taman is a fiscal year 2024 recipient of a Creative Individuals grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board. This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.
N95 masks will be available at the door, but are not required. A HEPA filter will be running in the space at all times.
Deep Listening + Sonic Meditations – 12/18 7-8pma collab with Mary Scott
Listen to the universe, what does it sound like? Following the studies led by composer Pauline Oliveros, we will explore three modalities of sonic meditation: Listening, Moving, and Dreaming. Be prepared for light and gentle movement, moments of stillness, and play.
Monster Writing + Making – 12/19 7-8pm
a collab with aegor ray
Monsters are a coagulation of collective fears, uncertainties, and beliefs. In this writing workshop, we’ll contend with the complex histories of the grotesque and monstrous in our culture and practice becoming curious about our own specific anxieties. We will build monsters, both to behold and befriend.
Mojo/Talisman Bags – 12/20 7-9pm
a collab with Baki Baki Baki
Known by many names, gris gris , mojo, talismans, these items of protection originate from central + west africa, and are a blend of muslim, catholic, native american and pagan traditions. Join us for a group activity where we will all ‘feed’ and embroider our own mojo bags with specific stones, herbs, and colors meant to invoke specific protections and communication with spirit(s). All supplies will be provided.